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College Counseling

The LCA High School Counseling Department is committed to assisting high school students and their families in preparing for the college journey. During this is exciting time, our counselors will work to give you the information necessary to make such an important decision for your child's future.

We have many valuable resources and planning tools, including: ACT/SAT resources and test dates, links to financial aid and scholarships, college visitation information and forms, NCAA and NAIA information, and a transcript request form.

LCA students also use Naviance, which is a college and career readiness platform that helps connect academic achievement to post-secondary goals. With Naviance, students discover best-fit higher education options by allowing them to show interest and connect with institutions looking for students just like them. Naviance is a great tool to help our students align their college plans to their long-term career aspirations.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our counselors listed on the right.


Students who do not meet the prerequisites or have not been recommended for advanced courses may submit a request to be approved for the course. The Academic Placement Waiver request will be reviewed by the student's counselor and the academic department. If approved, the student may be conditionally enrolled in the requested course. Continued enrollment is contingent upon successful academic performance in the course, which will be evaluated both within the first four weeks of the course and during the mid-year semester break. A hard copy of the waiver form is also available to pick up in the High School Office.

Students do not need to submit an Academic Placement Waiver to opt out of an advanced (Honors or AP) course and into a College Prep-level course.

To request the opportunity to request approval for independent enrollment in a Dual Credit course not offered at LCA, complete this form.

Naviance Student is LCA's college guidance software. It features robust college and scholarship search engines, manages the admission application processes for students, and handles transcript and recommendation requests. 

Currently enrolled students may request unofficial transcripts and other documents through the Document Request Form.

Seniors must request official transcripts for college admissions in their Naviance Student account.


  • Take courses appropriate to your abilities and get the best grades possible
  • Get involved in activities that interest you
  • Develop good personal and spiritual habits
  • Take the PSAT and review results
  • Create a resume, keep track of community service hours, extra-curricular activities
  • Make plans to have a meaningful summer (job, internship, shadowing, camp, etc.)


  • Continue to take courses appropriate to your abilities and get the best grades possible
  • Stay involved in activities that interest you
  • Continue to develop good personal and spiritual habits
  • Take the PSAT and practice ACT and review results
  • Make plans to have a meaningful summer (job, internship, shadowing, camp, etc.)
  • Continue to take courses appropriate to your abilities and get the best grades possible
  • Stay involved in activities that interest you
  • Continue to develop good personal and spiritual habits
  • Take PSAT and review results
  • Update your Naviance resume (remove this, please!) 
  • Meet with college reps when they visit LCA
  • Visit college campuses
  • Attend college fairs
  • List colleges that you're interested in in Naviance under “Colleges I’m thinking about”
  • Schedule an individual meeting with your college counselor during the spring semester
  • Sign up for an ACT prep course
  • Take the ACT by the end of junior year
  • Make plans to have a meaningful summer (job, internship, shadowing, camps, etc.)


  • Visit Colleges
  • Update your “Colleges I’m thinking about” list as needed in Naviance
  • Start making a list of colleges you want to apply to and gather information on their application requirements 
  • Get a a head start and begin work on college essays
  • Update your resume 
  • Begin thinking about who you want to write your letter(s) of recommendation
  • Make plans to have a meaningful summer (job, internship, shadowing, camps, etc.)
  • Take your senior photos 
  • Retake the ACT, if needed
  • Continue to take courses appropriate to your abilities and get the best grades possible
  • Formally request letters of recommendation, as needed
  • Retake the ACT, if needed
  • Schedule an individual meeting with your college counselor 
  • Make calendar of deadlines for applications and scholarships
  • Meet with college reps when they visit LCA
  • Continue to visit college campuses and attend college fairs
  • Order caps and gowns and graduation invitations 
  • Request transcripts to be sent at least two weeks before the application deadline by adding schools to Naviance under “Colleges I’m applying to”
  • Complete the FAFSA beginning October 1 of each year
  • Apply for scholarships
  • Complete all applications
  • Ask your college counselor to review you applications and essays before submitting 
  • Send ACT scores to each college, if applicable 
  • Attend LCA end of year celebrations
  • After admission decisions come back, rank your top choices
  • Make a plan to visit your top choices (stay overnight if possible)
  • Discuss with your family and pray about your decision
  • Make your decision and send your enrollment deposit by May 1
  • Communicate with all schools that accepted you
  • Celebrate, you did it!


Amy Cornell  
11th & 12th Grade College Counselor (Last names A-J)

Lauren Sizemore    
11th & 12th Grade College Counselor (Last names K-Z)

College Visits

  • 11/4: University of the Cumberlands
  • 11/7: Bellarmine University
  • 11/11: Lipscomb University
  • 11/14: University of Kentucky
  • 11/18: U.S. Army National Guard
  • 11/18: Morehead State University
  • 11/21: University of Louisville